The history and wildlife of Sheepcote Valley: a walk with the city rangers


11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Event Type

Join the Brighton & Hove City Council Rangers on the second of 12 monthly, themed walks exploring the history, wildlife, and unique environment of Brighton & Hove. This second walk takes place on Sheepcote Valley. Part of the South Downs National Park and a Site of Nature Conservation Importance, Sheepcote Valley has some spectacular views and habitats. Sheep will be grazing here at the time of this walk.

Walk leader: Paul Gorringe tel: 07825 387385

Meet: Outside East Brighton Park cafe near the cricket ground
Nearest Bus Route 7, 21, 47 and 52 (free parking by the cafe)
Walk length: 3 km

More about Sheepcote Valley biodiversity here

East Brighton Park Cafe