Education Question Time. Working Towards a National Campaign for Education.
Is Ofsted a political tool? Do we need SATs? Do teachers need to be qualified? Are standards falling in our schools? Can academies solve the pressure on school places? Why do teachers strike? Should all schools be maintained by local authorities?
This Question Time panel debate in Brighton will attempt to answer these questions and more.
Chair: Warwick Mansell – education journalist and author
Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers
Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion
Andy Schofield, Research Fellow at the University of Winchester and former Head teacher at the Wellington Academy and Varndean School, Brighton
Dr John Berry, Senior Lecturer the School of Education and UCU branch secretary at the University of Hertfordshi
If you would like to pose a question to the panel please use the Twitter hashtag #edqtime @NCE2014