Miniclick Photo Talks: Myth
Wednesday 28th March, 2018. Doors at 6pm, kicks off at 7pm. Upstairs at Temple Bar, Brighton.
What is real and what isn’t? For centuries the human race have been creating mythology, searching for truth and hunting for evidence. Miniclick presents a free talk on the subject of MYTHS with Harry Rose and Hannah Saunders.
For the past two years photographer Harry Rose has been exploring the woodlands and ‘wilds’ of Great Britain in search of a creature multiple people claimed to have seen yet very little physical evidence exists.
Known as Wildman, Green Man and Yeti, the British Bigfoot is on the map, and he’s bloody hard to spot. Through a combination of found objects, photographs, sighting accounts, archival imagery and interviews with believers, Harry will be guiding us through the undergrowth of the impossible and try to answer an age old question, do monsters really exist?
More details about this and other Miniclick talks here
Free Entry.