Mindful walking to the Racehill Orchard


10:30 am


Wyevale Garden Centre
Warren Road, Brighton, BN2 6BA

Event Type

Mindful walking to the Racehill Orchard

Join Mind in Brighton and Hove for a friendly walk & chat to the lovely community orchard at  the Racehill

Saturday 6th June 2015 at 10.30am
Meet – Brighton  Wyevale Garden Centre Warren Road

Find out about mindful walking and maybe try out some colouring art for reducing stress.

Once there you can help with some orchard maintenance or just relax and enjoy the surroundings with some refreshments

You are welcome to bring a packed lunch

No need to book!
Bus 2,22,37b
For any further information or to check if walk is  still going ahead  in bad weather conditions please contact
01273 66 69 50 or karen.george@mindcharity.co.uk