Illuminating Attachment
@ Fabrica
Wed 12 Sep 12pm until Thu 13 Sep
Illuminating Attachment is the latest in a series of events delivered by Art of Attachment; an 18-month arts based project led by substance misuse charity, Brighton Oasis Project, that aims to challenge perceptions and provoke debate around parenting and substance misuse and how attachment and attachment theory affects us all.
Brighton Oasis Project (BOP) is a unique service for women who have a problem with drugs/alcohol and young people affected by substance misuse in the family. BOP clients have been participating in workshops led by Art of Attachment’s Lead artists, Choreographer/Director Charlotte Vincent and Poet/Broadcaster Lemn Sissay, as well as engaging in a range of activities led by other artists involved in the project: film maker Becky Edmunds, visual artist Oscar Romp and illustrator Laura Bissonnet.
Illuminating Attachment will premier so heartbroken, so long, an original short film by Becky Edmunds, created for Art of Attachment in collaboration with BOP clients, staff and members of our Project Advisory Group (professionals with expertise and insights into attachment). This process explored alternative methods of story telling by inviting participants to simply compose objects on a table top, filmed from above. With only the participants’ hands visible, personal histories, thoughts and feelings can be expressed, whilst anonymity is guaranteed.
The exhibition will depict the project’s journey to date, highlighting the learning and showcasing some of the exceptional work that has been produced along the way.