The Fourth Estate: free film screening


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Bookings closed


68 Middle Street
68 Middle Street, Brighton, BN1 1AL

Event Type

arrestThe Fourth Estate – by Dr Lee Salter

Free film screening of this new documentary followed by Q&A with the film maker.

The Fourth Estate is a feature length documentary that examines the dynamics of the contemporary mainstream media in the UK, from its inner workings to its tangible effects on the political economy and wider society.

In the wake of the Leveson report, the media’s focus has quickly diverted from a brief period of self-examination back towards examining external proceedings, and the proposed royal charter calls only for reworked regulation. This opportunity for serious consideration of the true, entrenched causes and effects of the UK’s inadequate media must not go unexplored, and the recent press scandals must not be isolated as an aberrant incidence of corruption.

The film explores the power structures, messages, and ideologies that underpin the many facets of both print and screen media. It not only reveals the sociological and psychological relations between the media and its consumers, but also encourages the audience to consider the devastating nature of the media as a private, profit-driven business.

See a trailer of the film here

Free, all welcome.


Bookings are closed for this event.