No Place Like Home Workshops


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Brighton Dome Studio Theatre
New Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1UG

Event Type

No Place Like Home Workshops

This autumn, Brighton Dome Studio Theatre is running free one-day workshop to help participants explore their childhood home – and bring it to life, in a new project called No Place Like Home.

Travel back in time to that house, town, neighbourhood or country where you grew up, with the help of writer Amy Zamarripa Solis and acclaimed visual artists Larry Achiapong and David Blandy. During the day, artist Aikaterini Gegsian will create a film about participants’ lives. People taking part on the workshops will explore a variety of mediums including oral history, film, drawing, writing, and other visual arts and literature. Lunch will be provided and participants will have a chance to share their memories and stories at a sharing later in the year, where the final film will be screened.