Inclusive Pedagogy: a transformative approach to individual differences


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Room W100 Westlain House
University of Brighton, Falmer, BN1 9PH

Event Type

Inclusive Pedagogy: a transformative approach to individual differences

3.30 – 5pm Thursday 7 January 2016

by Professor Lani Florian
Bell Chair of Education, Director of Research and Knowledge, University of Edinburgh


This presentation introduces the concept of inclusive pedagogy as an alternative approach to individual differences. It raises questions about its transformative potential to address some longstanding educational inequalities such as the chronic underachievement of particular groups. By focusing on what is to be learned by the community of learners in a classroom, the inclusive pedagogical approach avoids the problems and stigma associated with marking some learners as different. Specific examples of inclusive pedagogy based on research that demonstrates how teachers can respect and respond to human differences in ways that include learners in, rather than exclude them from, what is ordinarily available in the daily life of the classroom are presented.

Professor Lani Florian is Bell Chair of Education at the University of Edinburgh and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS). Her influential research on inclusive education has led to numerous consultancies with national associations and international agencies including UNICEF, OECD, and the Council of Europe She provides technical assistance on inclusive education projects in many countries. She is editor of the Sage Handbook of Special Education, now in its second edition, and co-author of Achievement and Inclusion in Schools, winner of the 2008 NASEN/TES academic book award.

Room W100
Westlain House
University of Brighton

All welcome. To register your attendance please click here

For further information please contact Liz Briggs: