Healthwalk leader training


10:00 am - 4:30 pm


Kings House
Grand Avenue, Hove, BN3 2LS

Event Type

Do you have some free time to lead health walks in and around Brighton and Hove?

If you have reasonable fitness, good social and communication skills and can donate some of you valuable time to guide and encourage others to increase their fitness levels then you could be a Healthwalk Leader.

The success of the Healthwalk programme continues to grow and as we approach our tenth year of providing free regular walks for the community we are looking for volunteers to join our dedicated group of leaders to co-lead at least one walk per month.

The next Walk Leader training day will be on Tuesday 26 February from 10am – 4.30pm at Kings House. The training is free and includes lunch.

We have walks running every day in various locations and of different lengths all over the Brighton & Hove, ranging from a ½ mile seafront walk to 3 or 4 mile walks around Stanmer Park , Sheepcote and Benfield Valleys , Castle Hill. You will also have the opportunity to help out at events, festivals, information days and occasional admin help.

The training is very popular and places are given on the basis of the volunteer’s commitment to leading walks and a simple application process. If you are interested in attending this training, or going on the waiting list for our next training, please email or complete an application form to provisionally reserve place. The team will then get back to you as soon as possible to confirm whether or not you have a place.

For more information on Healthwalks, our timetable of walks and to complete an application form, please click here or call Darren or Corinna on 01273 292574 or 01273 2922564 or Mob: 07717302954.

We are putting together 10 months of special walks including archaeological, foraging, nature, historical, environments, health promotion and other topics and are happy to add any that someone wants to run.

We ask that leaders can commit to at least one walk per month.