Britain and Europe after the referendum: BRITFIX or BRITBROKEN?
Phil Haynes, University of Brighton
The UK has been a ‘reluctant European’ since the end of the Second World War. The rise of neo liberalism via the US and UK ‘special relationship’ in the 1980s has added to this reluctance.
This session will take a look at some of the official statistical evidence available to compare Britain and other European countries in the immediate post referendum era, and give the audience a chance to reflect on what are the most important issues that are emerging.
This talk is part of Brains at the Bevy: A series of short and enlightening talks from local academics.
Free, all welcome!
Talks start at 6pm and will last for an hour, including lots of time for questions and discussion. Tea and coffee will be provided during the talk and all are welcome to stay on afterwards to enjoy the lovely food and drink available at the Bevy.
These talks are organised by the Bevy and Community University Partnership Programme at the University of Brighton and funded by the Sussex Learning Network.