The People’s Assembly is a call to all those millions of people in Britain who face an impoverished and uncertain year as their wages, jobs, conditions and welfare provision come under renewed attack by the government.
With some 80% of austerity measures still to come, and with the government lengthening the time they expect cuts to last, we are calling a People’s Assembly Against Austerity to bring together campaigns against cuts and privatisation with trade unionists in a movement for social justice. We aim to develop a strategy for resistance to mobilise millions of people against the Con Dem government.
6pm – Films:
Ken Loach’s brilliant “Spirit of 45” about the creation of the NHS and welfare state plus “Conditions of the Working Class”.
7pm – Speakers:
Owen Jones (Author of Chavs), MP Caroline Lucas, Comedian Mark Steel, Hilary Wainwright (Red Pepper), Clive Bryant (PCS Union) and Romaine Pheonix, (Coalition of Resistance)
8pm – Workshops
There will be an archival display of photographs from the General Strike as it was experienced in Brighton and Hove.
Current day Sussex Occupy will be celebrated with film clips and photo displays.
Exhibition of artist Bern O’Donoghue’s “Dear Dave and Nick” letters.
The rally will be streamed across Brighton and Hove by Radio Free Brighton.
We want to contact people who are interested in using the outside gardens to make the political points through creative and imaginative forms for that evening.
Contact person is Valerie Phillips: 07544 620182
More info about the People’s Assembly here
Free registration at