Alternative Societies
Facilitators Luke Martell and Caroline Lucas MP
7-9.30pm Mondays 11, 18, 25 June and 2 July 2018 at the City Clean Depot Learning Resource Centre, Upper Hollingdean Road Brighton. BN1 7GA.
Plus guest lecture on Green Societies with Caroline Lucas, 7pm Thursday 28 June at the Brighthelm Centre – event link here
People often criticise the way society is, but that leads to the question ‘what’s the alternative?’.
This module will explore alternatives to current types of society. It will look at alternatives such as communism, green society and alternative education. This will raise issues to do with utopianism, alternative economies and coops, society with less work and global society with open borders.
The module will discuss alternatives that students themselves raise for discussion. Are societies that are alternatives to ours desirable and viable?
This module is part of FUB’s degree-level course in Social Science and Humanities. It’s free to join and you don’t need to be registered for the degree to attend. However, places are limited so booking is essential.
Bookings are closed for this event.