Running in the Family: Can we help anxious parents to raise confident children?


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Chowen Lecture Theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Falmer, Brighton, Not in USA, BN1 9PX

Event Type

Running in the Family: Can we help anxious parents to raise confident children?

Wednesday 11 April 18:00 until 19:30
Venue: Chowen Lecture Theatre, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex BN1 9PX
Speaker: Sam Cartwright Hatton, Professor of Clinical Child Psychology, School of Psychology
Professorial Lecture organised by Sussex University

Parental mental health matters: children of parents with mental health problems are at substantially greater risk of mental health problems themselves. Despite this, we currently do almost nothing to help such parents to raise psychologically robust children.

In this lecture, I will present a line of research examining the intergenerational transmission of anxiety problems. I will show that much could, and should, be done to help anxious parents to raise confident children.

This is a free, open lecture – everyone is welcome, but numbers are limited.

Refreshments provided.